You have an idea or want to get into market?

Product Development

We are here to provide you a complete product development service.
From market research, product design, complete hardware and firmware, software / mobile app development and last but not least, delivery of a physical & functional prototype.
We use rapid prototyping techniques in order to speed up the delivery of the concept device at the lowest possible cost.
Reverse Engineering is avoided at any cost, and we do not provide related services.

We have experience in developing Medical Devices, embedded devices, AIoT and IoT devices and ecosystems, Wearables, Civil Protection Systems, and Renewable Energy Systems.

If your product or idea doesn't belong in the above categories, feel free to contact us. The basic principles of computer science and product design are similar and we can cover almost any requirement.

You already have a product design?

Hardware Development

Developing the hardware in-house, from product design to physical part fabrication, is a key element when creating prototypes. This way we take over quality control and avoid "tech/industry leaks". The term hardware refers to a set of components that interact to give a device its functionality.
Those include PCB and firmware development, mechatronics design and implementation, and final assembly and testing.
If you have your own design, or have already launched a product and want to upgrade its hardware, once we will accept the project, we will guarantee a cost-effective production with superior to existing hardware specifications.

Need to Increase Your Business Efficiency?

Service Development

Whether you want to improve the efficiency of your business or provide a service on market, we can help make it happen.
To improve efficiency, we will map your workflow step by step and explore the technologies you can use to speed up the process and reduce labor costs.
Our main principle when creating our services is to be user-friendly and Idiot-Proof. For example, we have successfully developed Healthcare units service automations and software development, strict control of controlled substances, and reduced paperwork
Additionally, if you are a service provider, we may help you improve or create new services from scratch. What sets us apart in this space is our focus on avoiding the technology that typically accompanies services. For example, we have successfully designed a cost effective RTLS system alternative, that stands out from the crowd, via its installation and operation cost.

need help adapting to a new world?

IT Consultancy

Low and mid-sized companies do not have their own IT departments to technically support their businesses.

In addition, business owners are often confused by the amount of information and unfamiliar terminology surrounding themselves and need support to incorporate new technology into their business processes and manufacturing.

We help these companies choose the right tools and apply the best technology that better suit their needs.

Last but not least, we can help you find the resources needed at the best available price, in order to further more reduce your business expenses.

Why Us

Because we know how to forget, at the right moment what we know and start everything from scratch.